
Eating & Body Image

Many folks turn to compulsive food behaviors in response to trauma or stress. Additionally many messages we receive daily focus on the supposed benefits of attempting to alter our bodies to fit into what we’re told is the “ideal body type”. These ideas are constructed from a narrow, privileged perspective that teaches us that to be fat is to be bad and does not leave room for the majority of body types. Many times disordered eating is not at all about the food or behaviors but a deeper response to internalized cultural messages that we are not enough. Deep down we know that no clothing size, number on a scale, or reflection in the mirror can give us a sense of worth.

At Moonbow Mental Health we work from a weight neutral perspective to help clients make peace with their bodies and find freedom from internalized diet culture messages and fat phobia. We provide services aligned with Health at Every Size (HAES) and intuitive eating principles. We help clients rediscover a more positive relationship with food. We also help clients heal as we explore the relationship between trauma, shame, and disordered eating.